January 30, 2011

Day #5

It's day 5 in Florence and I'm realizing a blog is not going to work out. There is so much going on I hardly have time to think. It's a good thing though! I'll try to write in it occasionally.
I'm going to start an ongoing list of cultural differences:

  1. The couches at the public library are EXTREMELY low to the ground (you're sitting maybe half a foot of the ground). Difficult to get up.
  2. Barely anything can be ordered "to go." Cappuccino and expresso are very rarely served in cardboard cups (and when they are there is no a lid). I asked for a slice of pizza to go so I could sit with my friends somewhere else, and the woman gave it to me on a single napkin. 
  1. So far, there are not as many creepy or aggressive Italian men as everyone suggests.
  2. The weather today (Sunday) was freeeezing cold. But apparently these are the 3 coldest days of the year and it will be warmer in 2 weeks.
  3. Some Italians seem annoyed when Americans cannot speak their language. Others love trying to have broken conversations with us in English. Overall, Italians seem very happy. Especially ages 50 and up. 

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